9 Foods You should Avoid After Age 30

1. Alcohol. Alcohol load of calories. Beer will spikes insulin levels and might cause diabetes. Alcohol makes you not be able to sleep.

2. White Sugar - Artificial sweeteners are linked to cancer. It may lead to elevated glucose levels and poor insulin response. These contribute to metabolic syndrome, fat storage, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

3. Coffee - Overdose caffeine effect on sleep quality. Too much caffeine can be aging because you don't get your beauty rest. Also, too much caffeine will make you hungry.  So control your caffeine intakes guys.

4. White Flour - Our body converts the flour into glucose. Glucose easily stores as fat. Glucose is refined of all the well such as fiber. Whole grain is more slowly digested and will help you to stay full longer even the taste are not as good as refining flour. Your healthy mire important rite?

5. Flavour yogurt. If you want to eat yogurt and fruits, it's better to buy them separately and mix them in a bowl. Flavored yogurt is most often filled with added sugar.

6. Dairy products - Dairy products are very acidic and they need to be avoided. Milk is pasteurized and homogenized, killing most of the nutrients along with any bad bacteria. Therefore we don't need it.

7. Canned or microwave product - Single serving often contains high levels of sugar, salts, and fats. The added chemical also very unhealthy.

8.Processed meat. All processed meat contains nitrate which is can help the meat to look appetizing. But nitrates can become cancer-causing in your body.

9. Soda   - The high fructose corn syrup that is present in the soda is the worse thing. It directly goes to the liver and stored as fat. Also, it creates resistance to leptin, a hormone that decreases appetite.

write by : Dilya
